The month of May makes me think of roses, especially with Mother’s Day around the corner. Rose is the "Queen of Flowers" and has many benefits from physical to energetic. It has been known for thousands of years for its beauty and fragrance.
For skincare, rose has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Rose’s cooling and soothing nature is great for irritated, inflamed skin. The fruit of the rose plant is called “rosehip”, and the oil that comes from the rosehip is very rich. It’s excellent for dry skin, as well as acne, because it helps minimize the appearance of scars. Rosehips are high in gamma-linolenic acid or GLA (an omega-6 fatty acid) and vitamin C, so it’s believed to help regenerate the skin and aid in the effects of aging. The essential oil of rose has astringent, toning, antiseptic, styptic, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties, so it’s good for dry, sensitive, and mature skin, ruptured blood vessels and broken capillaries. Overall, roses are perfect for all kinds of skin care. Mountain Rose Herbs is a great resource for organic rose petals, rosehips and other products. Or check out my shop for skincare products that contain rose: Rose Petal Facial Oil, Mature Skin Face Cream, and Rose & Yarrow Salve.

Rose benefits other systems of the body as well. It helps relax the nervous system and supports the circulatory system. Energetically, it comforts and uplifts the heart. Rose can help soothe grief and heartache, and ease agitation, anxiety, panic attacks, chronic stress, fatigue, and trauma. It fills your heat with love and peace. Use organic rose petals in your teas or visit my shop for my teas and extracts that contain rose: Peaceful Time Tea, Happy Heart Tea, and Rose Petal Elixir.
Happy Mother's Day!
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/top-view-bowl-with-flowers-petals_6893715.htm#fromView=search&page=1&position=12&uuid=28f73560-1778-4299-86b2-dd6cb464c95c">Image by freepik</a>