Facial scrubs are a type of exfoliation for the face, neck, and upper chest area. Exfoliation removes the build-up of dead skin cells from the epidermis, leaving your skin clean and silky smooth. Other benefits of exfoliation include: follicles and pores become unclogged, your skin can breathe better, your skin texture improves, your skin's overall function is stimulated, and circulation to the area increases. Exfoliation also helps with the absorption of moisture. There are so many commercial exfoliating products available, but many contain harmful ingredients. Also, it’s less expensive to make your own facial scrub – and easy too. The following recipes are gentle enough for the skin of the face and neck.
Honey Rose Facial Scrub
Rose has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties; and it's high in antioxidants, which is great for your skin. Rose essential oil helps moisturize dry skin, and acts as an astringent for acne skin, so it’s beneficial to both skin types. Also, honey is very soothing to the skin and is a humectant, which means it helps to retain or preserve moisture.
1 ½ tsps. of dried rose petals
2 tsp. White Kaolin Clay
1 tsp. organic oats
1 tsp. almonds
2-3 tbls. honey
2 drops of Rose Essential Oil
Directions: Add the roses, oats, and almonds in a blender and grind them into a powder. You could also use a coffee grinder, which works best; but be sure to use it for your herb work only. If you also use it to grind your coffee beans, then your herbs will smell like coffee. Now, the more coarse the powder, the more exfoliating the scrub will be; however, if you have gentle or sensitive skin, then grind the ingredients to a fine powder. Pour the powder into a bowl and blend in the clay. Then blend in enough honey to make a paste.
Green Tea & Sunflower Seeds Facial Scrub
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and has great anti-inflammatory and cancer preventative effects. It's also beneficial to the skin when used externally, such as for inflamed, blemished, mature, or sun-damaged skin. The polyphenols in green tea neutralize free radicals, which are very damaging to the skin and can accelerate the aging process. The addition of yogurt helps regulate skin moisture. The sunflower seeds contain zinc which regulates the skin’s oil productions, reducing the appearance of acne and other blemishes. Sunflower seeds help to heal damaged skin and encourage the growth of new skin cells.
1-2 tbls. of brewed green tea
1 tbl. plain organic yogurt
2 tsp. White Kaolin Clay
1 tsp. organic oats
1 tsp. sunflower seeds
Directions: Grind the oats and sunflower seeds into a powder. Pour the powder into a bowl and mix in the clay. Then blend in enough yogurt and green tea to form a paste.
Tea Tree and Lavender Facial Scrub
Try this scrub if you have oily skin. Tea Tree is highly disinfectant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. So, it’s good for acne and pimples. Lavender helps regulate sebum production; and Shea Butter contains high concentrations of Vitamin A. It’s anti-inflammatory and can condition, tone, and soothe your skin.
1 ½ tsps. of dried lavender
2 tsp. Green Clay or White Kaolin Clay
1 tsp. organic oats
2-3 tbls. Shea Butter
1-2 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil
1 drop of Lavender Essential Oil
Directions: Grind the lavender and oats into a powder. Pour the powder into a bowl and mix in the clay. Then blend in enough Shea Butter to form a paste. Add in drops of essential oils and mix everything together.
To use your facial scrub:
Pull hair back away from your face.
Clean your face and neck to remove makeup and/or dirt with a natural cleanser.
Apply the scrub to your face and neck in an upward motion, avoiding the eye area and mouth.
Gently scrub your skin in circular motions.
Rinse off the facial scrub with warm water; pat dry or air-dry your skin.
To finish, apply a moisturizer of your choice.
Too much exfoliation is not good for your skin, so begin with once or twice a week. Observe how your skin reacts before you increase the frequency. Over-exfoliation will leave your skin red, tender and sensitive. Also, our skin tends to be dry and more easily irritated during the winter months, so you may need to exfoliate less during the winter. During the summer months when it’s warm and humid, you may need to exfoliate more.
Note: The different clays and dried herbs can be purchased from your local herb shop, from Mountain Rose Herbs, or Amazon.